
Hi! I'm Zheng, currently a fourth-year Ph.D. student at UC Santa Barbara, working with Prof. Lingqi Yan. I hold both a Master's and a Bachelor's degree from Shandong University, where I had the opportunity to work with Professors Lu Wang and Yanning Xu. Additionally, I am honored to have collaborated remotely with Professor Beibei Wang during my master's program.

I did my first internship at NVIDIA, worked with Edward Liu. My second internship is at Adobe, where I was working with Miloš Hašan, Valentin Deschaintre, Iliyan Georgiev, Yannick Hold-Geoffroy, Yiwei Hu, and Fujun Luan.

My research aims to help artists and developers create their envisioned arts (video games, animes, and films). For that, I focus my research mainly on real-time rendering, light transport algorithms, and exploring how emerging technologies can aid rendering.

Resume for internship [Dec 2023]


RGB↔X: Image Decomposition and Synthesis Using Material- and Lighting-aware Diffusion Models
"You Can Let Diffusion Model Eliminate/Simulate Global Illumination"
ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 (Conference Track)

Project Page Paper Code Slides Supplementary DOI arXiv

ExtraSS: A Framework for Joint Spatial Super Sampling and Frame Extrapolation
"You Can Jointly Upsample and Extrapolate Frames Within One Framework"
Songyin Wu, Sungye Kim, Zheng Zeng, Deepak Vembar, Sangeeta Jha, Anton Kaplanyan, Ling-Qi Yan
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 (Conference Track)

Project Page Paper Supplementary Supplemental video DOI

Ray-aligned Occupancy Map Array for Fast Approximate Ray Tracing
"You Can Voxelize Objects From Different Directions to Minimize Execution Divergence"
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2023 (CGF track)

Project Page Paper Slides Supplemental video DOI Code (coming soon)

Lightweight Neural Basis Functions for All-Frequency Shading
"You Can Have Neural Basis Functions Act as Real Ones"

Project Page Paper Supplementary DOI

Temporally Reliable Motion Vectors for Better Use of Temporal Information
Zheng Zeng, Shiqiu (Edward) Liu, Jinglei Yang, Lu Wang, Ling-Qi Yan
Ray Tracing Gems II

Project Page

Temporally Reliable Motion Vectors for Real-time Ray Tracing
"You Can Design Different Motion Vectors for Different Effects to Better Utilize Temporal Information"
Zheng Zeng, Shiqiu (Edward) Liu, Jinglei Yang, Lu Wang, Ling-Qi Yan
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2021)

Project Page Paper Supplemental video DOI

Joint SVBRDF Recovery and Synthesis From a Single Image using an Unsupervised Generative Adversarial Network
"You Don't Need Corresponding SVBRDFs to Train a GAN to Generate SVBRDFs"
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2020

Project Page Paper Code DOI

Denoising Stochastic Progressive Photon Mapping Renderings Using a Multi-Residual Network
"You Need Different Receptive Fields for Different Scales of Noise"
Zheng Zeng, Lu Wang, Beibei Wang, Chun-Meng Kang, Yanning Xu
Journal of Computer Science and Technology (CVM2020)

Project Page Paper Slides DOI


I enjoy optimizing my research workflow. Tools I find useful:

  • Read papers, make sense of research, and develop intuition: Heptabase.
    • My path on note-taking system: markdown + git → NotionObsidianLogseqRoam ResearchHeptabase.
    • My personal opinion: note-taking is all about spatial (across different projects) and temporal (from past and for future) knowledge reuse.
  • Find related papers: Connected Papers.

I collect research self-development resources in teach-yourself-research.

Here are two renderings I created while I was taking Wei Dai’s online course, using Mental Ray; I started my rendering research journey since then on.

My interests and favorites:

  • J-pop: songs from 家入レオ (推し), Official Hige Dandism, Back Number, Milet, Creepy Nuts, Tokyo Jihen, Yorushika (ヨルシカ)
  • Manzai (漫才): from Non style, 令和ロマン, Sandwichman, Miki, Knights
  • Tokusatsu (特撮): Ultraman series (especially the Ultraman Gaia), Kamen rider series, Godzilla series
  • Films: 猫の恩返し, 千と千尋の神隠し, Interstellar, The Lord of the Rings series, Ready Player One, リトル・フォレスト, ゴールデンスランバー
  • TV series: 三国演义 (1994), ブラッシュアップライフ, 重版出来, 白い巨塔, 古畑任三郎
  • Video games: Diablo II, Dota 2, Starcraft II, Grim Dawn
  • Anime: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, The Adventures of Tintin, Look Back
  • Photography


  • “目指して欲しいのは、人が見ていたら努力だと思うけど、本人はそう思っていない状態。私にとっては普通の事なのに、なんか周りは評価してくれる、だったらすごくいい状態。” - Ichiro Suzuki
  • “Research is to see what everybody has seen and think what nobody has thought.” – Albert Szent-Györgyi paraphrasing Schopenhauer
  • “可能很多年轻人会觉得坚持很难,但我觉得,坚持应该是自然而然的,而不是刻意的。本质上,只要你想坚持,你就能坚持。如果真的有梦想,那就不要轻易放弃,一旦放弃了,可能就会抱憾终身。” - 张益唐